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Postgres IN clause on a two column unique constraint?

I have a table with a unique constraint across two columns, code and print , and an array of codes and prints. See below:

// these two arrays can get very big
codes: ('A', 'B', 'C', 'D') 
prints: (1, 2, 3, 4)

Is there a way to get the rows with code A and print 1, code B and print 2, and so on, in one query? My initial thought was to use a SELECT * FROM table WHERE code IN (...) query, but I'm not quite sure how to correctly "map" the print to the correct code .

Please let me know if something doesn't make sense and I'll do my best to clarify. Thanks!

You can try this:

  FROM table AS t
 INNER JOIN unnest(array['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'], array[1, 2, 3, 4]) AS a(code, print)
    ON t.code = a.code
   AND t.print = a.print

Every element in both arrays are coupled two by two in the unnest() function according to their order in their arrays.

select the_table.* from the_table join unnest ('{A,B,C,D}'::text[], '{1,2,3,4}'::int[]) as t(a, b) on (code, print) = (t.a, t.b);

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