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Manually compile C# files with Git Bash

I am starting with C#.

I just was playing around with the language, so I created a simple main.cs file with a main method.

Also, I created a Class Car inside a Car.cs file in a subfolder named Car . The command line that I am trying is:

csc main.cs./Car/Car.cs

But compiler it's telling me that can't foun Car.cs file . Even more, it shows me the route that is taking and is not the same that I passed, usually, the Car directory isn't there.

How can I successfully compile my C# files? I am using the Git Bash terminal from VSCE .

Thanks in advice

I started git-bash from the Windows start menu (in the default terminal emulator Mintty), because I don't know what “VSCE” is.

I used this command line:

'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\MSBuild\Current\Bin\Roslyn\csc.exe' main.cs ./Car/Car.cs

and it worked.

What is “VSCE”? Does “VS” stand for “Visual Studio”?

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