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mex file compiled successfuly. DependencyWalker cannot find many of the dlls

I have compiled a mex file using MATLAB. I am having trouble since every time I try to run the code, MATLAB crushes.

I have tried using feval() function with a mexhost in order to separate the processes and debug, following this guide . When I am executing using feval(mh,'functionName',input) , all I am getting is:

Invalid C++ MEX-file 'test_c'

However, when I am executing using feval(mh,functionName,input) I am getting an nrhs of size 0.

I have followed throw with this guide and used the DependancyWalker utility to get the following result: 在此处输入图像描述

A lot of the DLLs are missing. Even the basic LIBMEX.DLL can't be found. Am I doing something wrong here? How do I debug?

Probably some of MATLAB's folders aren't in your system path variable ( %PATH% on Windows).

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