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Can C++ coroutines contain plain `return` statements?

I am writing a C++ coroutine for a UWP control using C++/WinRT :

winrt::fire_and_forget MyControl::DoSomething()
    if (/* some condition */)
         // Why does this work?!

    co_await winrt::resume_foreground(Dispatcher());

    // Do some stuff


This is compiling for me, but as far as I know, C++ coroutines do not allow plain return statements. Is this a bug in the compiler?

(Interestingly, I cannot change the co_return to return ; I get a compiler error. Is it that only return statements after a co_await or co_yield must be co_return ?)

This seems to be a legacy implementation for MSVSC. MSVSC implemented coroutines before the standard was formally complete, so there are two implementations of async ( /async and /async:strict ). I seem to have the old, non–standard-compliant version turned on.

The standard is clear that you cannot use plain return statements in coroutines (emphasis added):

Coroutines cannot use variadic arguments, plain return statements , or placeholder return types (auto or Concept). Constexpr functions, constructors, destructors, and the main function cannot be coroutines.


You can verify that this is a legacy behavior with a simple example ( view in Godbolt ):

// ... boilerplate to make std::futures awaitable ...
// via https://stackoverflow.com/a/70406948/788168

std::future<int> compute_value()
    if (rand() > 5)
        // Shouldn't work:
        return 5;

    int result = co_await std::async([] { return 30; });

    co_return result;

int main() {

With the x64 msvc v19.latest compiler and the /std:c++20 flag, we get this error:

<source>(38): error C3773: Use of 'return' in this context is a non-conforming extension in C++20
<source>(38): note: Please use '/await' command-line option to enable relevant extensions
Compiler returned: 2

So, to answer the questions:

This is compiling for me, but as far as I know, C++ coroutines do not allow plain return statements. Is this a bug in the compiler?

(Interestingly, I cannot change the co_return to return ; I get a compiler error. Is it that only return statements after a co_await or co_yield must be co_return ?)

It's not a bug in the compiler, it's just a non-standard implementation. If you use the standard implementation (with /async:strict or /std:c++20 ), that plain return statement will not compiler. Standards-compliant coroutines cannot use plain return statements, ever.

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