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Inheritance with template classes

I'm trying to figure out, how can I inherit from template class to template class. The problem is: I can't use protected members of Parent class.


template <class N>
class Parent {
    N member;
    Parent(N aa){
        member = aa;

class Child1: public Parent<int>{
        Child1(int a): Parent<int>(a) {
            member += 1; // works

template<class Q>
class Child2: public Parent<Q>{
        Child2(int a): Parent<Q>(a) {
            member += 1; // does not work (use of undeclared identifier)

How can I use "member" in the Child2 class?

Thanks for your time

You need to use this->member or Parent<Q>::member .

In the second case, member is a " dependent name " because the existence of member from the base class template Parent<Q> depends on the type of class Q in the template, whereas in the first example there is no dependent type, the compiler can statically analyze that Parent<int> contains member .

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