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discord Python Anti Vanity

So im trying to make an anti vanity change as part of my bots anti-nuke but its not working and returning no errors. Here is the code:

    async def on_guild_update(self, before, after):
      if before.premium_tier == 3:
          with open('whitelisted.json') as f:
            whitelisted = json.load(f)
          before_vanity = await before.vanity_invite()
          whitelistedUsers = str(whitelisted)
          after_vanity = await after.vanity_invite()
          if before_vanity != after_vanity:
            async for entry in after.audit_logs(limit=1, after=datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(seconds = 3), action=discord.AuditLogDiff.vanity_url_code):
              if entry.user.id in whitelistedUsers or entry.user in whitelistedUsers:
              if entry.target == before:
                    await entry.user.ban(reason="Lying\n・Unauthorized user changing vanity.")                    
                except Exception as error:
                  if isinstance(error, discord.Forbidden):
                    return print(f"{Fore.RED}[Anti Error]: Vanity Protection ({after.name}){Fore.RESET}")
        except Exception as error:
            print(f"{Fore.RED}[Anti Error]: {error} | Anti-Vanity. ({after.name}){Fore.RESET}") 

I also made sure i was unwhitelisted while testing but still nothing happened.

If no errors are shown in your code, maybe you badly overwrote the on_command_error or on_error functions in the cog or in the bot, you should add a default case that re-raise the exception if it was not processed by the function

And for the issue, I'm suspecting that if before.premium_tier == 3: should be if before.guild.premium_tier == 3:

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