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Is there a way to match the _id of one mongodb array to the corresponding clientId from another array?

I have 2 arrays coming from my MongoDB database, one called users that returns a list of user objects like this:

email: "poe@email.com",
firstName: "Poe",
lastName: "Damaren",
_id: "bb8"

and one called treatments that has a corresponding clientId that should match the _id from one of the objects in the user array, ie:

clientId: "bb8",
date: "2022-02-04",
treatment "fixed antenna",
_id: "r2d2"

On my client side using React, I'm trying to show a table with a row for every treatments object where the date is greater than today, and then show a column for the date, and a column for the firstName and lastName from the user object whose _id corresponds to the clientId from the treatment object (I hope that makes sense). I've tried putting it together, but I get stuck trying to show the first and last name. This is where I'm at:

         new Date(t?.date) >= today ? (                  
              <td>{users?.firstName?.find(u=>u?._id === t?.clientId)}</td>
          ) : (

Is there a way to get the first name and last name to show within a table row for each element in the treatments array? Something like this:

Date Name
2022-02-04 Poe Damaren

Help me stackoverflow community, you're my only hope...

You can write a simple function to retrieve the full name.

const getFullName = t => {
    const { firstName = "", lastName = "" } = users?.find(
        u => u?._id === t?.clientId
    return `${firstName} ${lastName}`;

编辑 beautiful-matsumoto-89rb3

NOTE: I would attach the firstName and lastName to each treatment on the backend side to reduce computations done on the UI side. Same for filtering treatments using the date.

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