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Write a program that takes a character as input (string length 1) the output is the next character in the alphabet. If input is 'Z', output is 'A'

Write a program that takes a character as input (a string of length 1), which you should assume is an upper-case character; the output should be the next character in the alphabet.

If the input is 'Z' , your output should be 'A' .

Here's what i've done so far but I'm not getting A when I input Z . I'm getting [ .

Please help, what am I doing wrong?

input = (input()).upper()
for character in input:
   number = ord(character) + 1
   number1 = chr(number)
   if ord('z'):
       new_number = ord(character) - 25
        number2 = chr(new_number)


A way of doing this may be via a match<\/code> statement:

match (letter):
    case 'A':
    case 'B':

I have figured it out!! Thanks to everyone for reaching out with an alternative method! I'm ever grateful.

input = (input()).upper()
encrypted = ""
for character in input:
    if character == "":
        encrypted += ""
elif ord(character) + 1 > ord("Z"):
    encrypted += chr(ord(character) + 1 - 26)
    encrypted += chr(ord(character) + 1)


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