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How can I get the right calculations for the total of the coin change calculator?

I am new at programming and I want to get better at it. I am working on a change calculator that accepts five arguments(dollars, quarters, dimes, nickels, pennies) and calculates the total amount of change. When I put change.py in the command line followed by 1 1 1 1 1 I am supposed to get 1.41 as the total but I am getting 1.95. Can anyone help with this? Thank you!

import sys

def change(dollars,quarters,dimes,nickels,pennies):
    dollars = int(float(dollars))
    quarters = int(float(quarters))
    dimes = int(float(dimes))
    nickels = int(float(nickels))
    pennies = int(float(pennies))

    total = (dollars * 100) + (quarters * 0.25 ) + (dimes * 0.10) + (nickels * 0.5) + (pennies * 0.1)

dollars = sys.argv[1]
quarters = sys.argv[2]
dimes = sys.argv[3]
nickels = sys.argv[4]
pennies = sys.argv[5]


print('The total value of your change is ',(total)) 


IndexError                                Traceback (most recent call 
<ipython-input-10-6fd4ec30e3dc> in <module>
 16 dollars = sys.argv[1]
 17 quarters = sys.argv[2]
 ---> 18 dimes = sys.argv[3]
 19 nickels = sys.argv[4]
 20 pennies = sys.argv[5]

 IndexError: list index out of range

With the code you have you need to ensure you are passing those arugments in the command line when you run your code:

python coinprogram.py 1 2 3 4 5

I also noticed the change is not being calculated correctly try this out:

import sys

dollars = sys.argv[1]
quarters = sys.argv[2]
dimes = sys.argv[3]
nickels = sys.argv[4]
pennies = sys.argv[5]

def change(dollars, quarters, dimes, nickels, pennies):

    dollars = int(float(dollars))
    quarters = int(float(quarters))
    dimes = int(float(dimes))
    nickels = int(float(nickels))
    pennies = int(float(pennies))

    return ((dollars * 100) + (quarters * 25) + (dimes * 10) + (nickels * 5) + (pennies * 1)) / 100

total = change(dollars, quarters, dimes, nickels, pennies)
print('The total value of your change is ', (total))

if you would prefer to get user input within the program then you could do something like this instead:

import sys

dollars = input("Enter dollars: ")
quarters = input("Enter quarters: ")
dimes = input("Enter dimes: ")
nickels = input("Enter nickels: ")
pennies = input("Enter pennies: ")

def change(dollars, quarters, dimes, nickels, pennies):

    dollars = int(float(dollars))
    quarters = int(float(quarters))
    dimes = int(float(dimes))
    nickels = int(float(nickels))
    pennies = int(float(pennies))

    return ((dollars * 100) + (quarters * 25) + (dimes * 10) + (nickels * 5) + (pennies * 1)) / 100

total = change(dollars, quarters, dimes, nickels, pennies)
print('The total value of your change is ', (total))

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