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How to get data from a child in Firebase Database?

I am struggling to get data from a child in my Database to settext in a TextView .

Here is my Database: Database

I think the problem is that I don't have the Uid right after Ansatte but the name instead. If I take away name , and just have Ansatte ,Uid, and the rest of the data it works.

Here is my code for getting data:

 databaseReference = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance("").getReference("Ansatte");
    btnadd = (findViewById(R.id.btn_leggtilansatt));

    mAuth = FirebaseAuth.getInstance();
    currentid = mAuth.getCurrentUser().getUid();

    tvtest = findViewById(R.id.tvtest);

    databaseReference.child(currentid).addValueEventListener(new ValueEventListener() {
        public void onDataChange(@NonNull DataSnapshot snapshot) {

            if (snapshot.exists()){
                String user = snapshot.child("name").getValue().toString();


        public void onCancelled(@NonNull DatabaseError error) {


And here is the code for storing:

private void add() {
    String name = editText1.getText().toString().trim();
    String email = editText2.getText().toString().trim();
    String storage = editText3.getText().toString().trim();
    String password = tv.getText().toString().trim();

    if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(name)){

        mAuth.createUserWithEmailAndPassword(email, password).addOnCompleteListener(new OnCompleteListener<AuthResult>() {
            public void onComplete(@NonNull Task<AuthResult> task) {

                if (task.isSuccessful()){

                    Ansatt ansatt = new Ansatt (name, email, storage);


                    Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Hei" , Toast.LENGTH_LONG).toString().trim();
                    Intent intent = new Intent(AddEmployeeActivity.this, MainActivity.class);


To be able to get the value of the name field that exists under the following location:


Please use the following lines of code:

String uid = FirebaseAuth.getInstance().getCurrentUser().getUid();
DatabaseReference db = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance().getReference();
DatabaseReference uidRef = db.child("Ansatte").child("Name").child(uid);
uidRef.get().addOnCompleteListener(new OnCompleteListener<DataSnapshot>() {
    public void onComplete(@NonNull Task<DataSnapshot> task) {
        if (task.isSuccessful()) {
            DataSnapshot snapshot = task.getResult();
            String name = snapshot.child("name").getValue(String.class);
            Log.d("TAG", name);
        } else {
            Log.d("TAG", task.getException().getMessage()); //Never ignore potential errors!

The result in the logcat will be:


And this value will be also set to your tvtest TextView.

PS Don't forget to have set the proper security rules.

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