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How to do a reduction over one dimension of 2D data in Thrust

I'm new to CUDA and the thrust library. I'm learning and trying to implement a function that will have a for loop doing a thrust function. Is there a way to convert this loop into another thrust function? Or should I use a CUDA kernel to achieve this?

I have come up with code like this

// thrust functor
struct GreaterthanX
    const float _x;
    GreaterthanX(float x) : _x(x) {}

    __host__ __device__ bool operator()(const float &a) const
        return a > _x;

int main(void)
    // fill a device_vector with
    // 3 2 4 5
    // 0 -2 3 1
    // 9 8 7 6
    int row = 3;
    int col = 4;
    thrust::device_vector<int> vec(row * col);
    thrust::device_vector<int> count(row);
    vec[0] = 3;
    vec[1] = 2;
    vec[2] = 4;
    vec[3] = 5;
    vec[4] = 0;
    vec[5] = -2;
    vec[6] = 3;
    vec[7] = 1;
    vec[8] = 9;
    vec[9] = 8;
    vec[10] = 7;
    vec[11] = 6;

    // Goal: For each row, count the number of elements greater than 2. 
    // And then find the row with the max count

    // count the element greater than 2 in vec
    for (int i = 0; i < row; i++)
        count[i] = thrust::count_if(vec.begin(), vec.begin() + i * col, GreaterthanX(2));

    thrust::device_vector<int>::iterator result = thrust::max_element(count.begin(), count.end());
    int max_val = *result;
    unsigned int position = result - count.begin();

    printf("result = %d at position %d\r\n", max_val, position);
    // result = 4 at position 2

    return 0;

My goal is to find the row that has the most elements greater than 2. I'm struggling at how to do this without a loop. Any suggestions would be very appreciated. Thanks.

Solution using Thrust

Here is an implementation using thrust::reduce_by_key in conjunction with multiple "fancy iterators".

I also took the freedom to sprinkle in some const , auto and lambdas for elegance and readability. Due to the lambdas, you will need to use the -extended-lambda flag for nvcc .

thrust::distance is the canonical way of subtracting Thrust iterators.

#include <cassert>
#include <cstdio>

#include <thrust/reduce.h>
#include <thrust/device_vector.h>
#include <thrust/distance.h>
#include <thrust/iterator/counting_iterator.h>
#include <thrust/iterator/discard_iterator.h>
#include <thrust/iterator/transform_iterator.h>

int main(void)
    // fill a device_vector with
    // 3 2 4 5
    // 0 -2 3 1
    // 9 8 7 6
    int const row = 3;
    int const col = 4;
    thrust::device_vector<int> vec(row * col);
    vec[0] = 3;
    vec[1] = 2;
    vec[2] = 4;
    vec[3] = 5;
    vec[4] = 0;
    vec[5] = -2;
    vec[6] = 3;
    vec[7] = 1;
    vec[8] = 9;
    vec[9] = 8;
    vec[10] = 7;
    vec[11] = 6;
    thrust::device_vector<int> count(row);

    // Goal: For each row, count the number of elements greater than 2. 
    // And then find the row with the max count

    // count the element greater than 2 in vec

    // counting iterator avoids read from global memory, gives index into vec
    auto keys_in_begin = thrust::make_counting_iterator(0);
    auto keys_in_end = thrust::make_counting_iterator(row * col);
    // transform vec on the fly
    auto vals_in_begin = thrust::make_transform_iterator(
        [] __device__ (int val) { return val > 2 ? 1 : 0; });
    // discard to avoid write to global memory
    auto keys_out_begin = thrust::make_discard_iterator();
    auto vals_out_begin = count.begin();
    // transform keys (indices) into row indices and then compare
    // the divisions are one reason one might rather
    // use MatX for higher dimensional data
    auto binary_predicate = [col] __device__ (int i, int j){
        return i / col == j / col;
    // this function returns a new end for count 
    // b/c the final number of elements is often not known beforehand
    auto new_ends = thrust::reduce_by_key(keys_in_begin, keys_in_end,
    // make sure that we didn't provide too small of an output vector
    assert(thrust::get<1>(new_ends) == count.end());

    auto const result = thrust::max_element(count.begin(), count.end());
    int const max_val = *result;
    auto const position = thrust::distance(count.begin(), result);

    std::printf("result = %d at position %d\r\n", max_val, position);
    // result = 4 at position 2

    return 0;

Bonus solution using MatX

As mentioned in the comments NVIDIA has released a new high-level, C++17 library called MatX which targets problems involving (dense) multi-dimensional data (ie tensors). The library tries to unify multiple low-level libraries like CUFFT, CUSOLVER and CUTLASS in one python-/matlab-like interface. At the point of this writing (v0.2.2) the library is still in initial development and therefore probably doesn't guarantee a stable API. Due to this, the performance not being as optimized as with the more mature Thrust library and the documentation/samples not being quite exhaustive, MatX should not be used in production code yet. While constructing this solution I actually stumbled upon a bug which was instantly fixed. So this code will only work on the main branch and not with the current release v0.2.2 and some used features might not appear in the documentation yet.

A solution using MatX looks the following way:

#include <iostream>
#include <matx.h>

int main(void)
    int const row = 3;
    int const col = 4;
    auto tensor = matx::make_tensor<int, 2>({row, col});
    tensor.SetVals({{3, 2, 4, 5},
                    {0, -2, 3, 1},
                    {9, 8, 7, 6}});
    // tensor.Print(0,0); // print full tensor

    auto count = matx::make_tensor<int, 1>({row});
    // count.Print(0); // print full count

    // Goal: For each row, count the number of elements greater than 2.
    // And then find the row with the max count

    // the kind of reduction is determined through the shapes of tensor and count
    matx::sum(count, matx::as_int(tensor > 2));

    // A single value (scalar) is a tensor of rank 0: 
    auto result_idx = matx::make_tensor<matx::index_t>();
    auto result = matx::make_tensor<int>();
    matx::argmax(result, result_idx, count);

    std::cout << "result = " << result() 
              << " at position " << result_idx() << "\r\n";
    // result = 4 at position 2

    return 0;

As MatX employs deferred execution operators, matx::as_int(tensor > 2) is effectively fused into the kernel achieving the same as using a thrust::transform_iterator in Thrust.

Due to MatX knowing about the regularity of the problem while Thrust does not, the MatX solution could potentially be more performant than the Thrust solution. It certainly is more elegant. It is also possible to construct tensors in already allocated memory, so one can mix the libraries eg my constructing a tensor in the memory of a thrust::vector named vec via passing thrust::raw_pointer_cast(vec.data()) to the constructor of the tensor.

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