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Suppress security on localhost connection between Microsoft SQLServer VisualStudio 2022

I got the following message

Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlException HResult=0x80131904 Message=A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the login process. (provider: SSL Provider, error: 0 - The certificate c hain was issued by an authority that is not trusted.) Source=Core Microsoft SqlClient Data Provider

when establishing a connection to my local Microsoft SQL Server

My connection string is defined in appsettings.json

    "ConnectionStrings": {
        "DefaultConnection": "Server=localhost\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=QandA;Trusted_Connection=True;",
   "Logging": {
      "LogLevel": {
         "Default": "Information",
         "Microsoft.AspNetCore": "Warning"
   "AllowedHosts": "*"

in Program.cs, the following code that use DbUp work

var connectionString = builder.Configuration.GetConnectionString("DefaultConnection"); 
var upgrader = DeployChanges.To
    .SqlDatabase(connectionString, null)

The API code call the following function

   /// <summary>
   /// Fetch toutes les questions de la BD.
   /// </summary>
   /// <returns>Les questions de la BD.</returns>
   public IEnumerable<QuestionGetManyResponse> GetQuestions()
        // Le using va disposer de la connection automatiquement en quittant le block.
        using (var connection = new SqlConnection(_connectionString))
               return connection.Query<QuestionGetManyResponse>(@"EXEC dbo.Question_GetMany");

The _connectionString variable is set in the class constructor. It is properly set when connection.Open() is executed.

How could I remove the security on that connection and why is it working in Program.cs

See comment on my post from Always Learning, I add encrypt=false in the connection string. That solve the problem.

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