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Invalid Operation Exception from C# Process Class

When I use VSTS debugger to see the properties of instance of class Process , many of the properties are marked with InvalidOperationException . Why? Am I doing anything wrong?

I am using VSTS 2008 + C# + .Net 2.0 to develop a console application.

Here is my code:

System.Diagnostics.Process myProcess = new System.Diagnostics.Process();
myProcess.StartInfo.FileName = "IExplore.exe";
myProcess.StartInfo.Arguments = @"www.google.com";
myProcess.StartInfo.Verb = "runas";

And a screenshot of the debugger:


Had you actually started the process when the debugger picture was taken? That's the screenshot I'd expect to see before the Start() method is called.

Note that the common pattern is to create a ProcessStartInfo , populate it, and then call the static Process.Start(startInfo) method. That makes it conceptually simpler: you don't see the Process object until it's been started.

Yes, this is expected behavior and it is clearly documented in MSDN as well.

For example, Process.BasePriority Property can throw an InvalidOperationException exception when the process has exited or the process has not started (see more details in MSDN ).

Many of the properties are marked with InvalidOperationException because until you start the process . The object 'myProcess' is not associated with any running process and hence it cannot get the information.

Try adding these statements, after the code to start the process

if (myProcess != null)  
   //or any other statements for that matter

Now, when you are inside the if statement, the VSTS debugger will be able to show most of the properties associated with the object myProcess. This happens because, myProcess object is now associated with a running process "IExplore.exe".

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