is different from: Windows-> IDE tools-> Palette: IDE tools-> palette" referrerpolicy="no-referrer" style="max-width:100%"> How would I make the actual palette from the windows IDE "/>
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Apache NetBeans 12.6 palette in Palette Manager is not the same in windows palette

In the Palette Manager from tools -> palette:

在工具 - >调色板的调色板管理器中

is different from:

Windows-> IDE tools-> Palette:

Windows-> IDE 工具-> 调色板

How would I make the actual palette from the windows IDE tools display the same from the tools palette manager. This means that I want to display things in the palette to use such as the jstl forms as it was said to have already been included but yet not showing.

Reinstalled java run time environment 8 as apparently it was corrupted and downloaded javaee-endorsed-api-7.0.jar file to execute.

You can also go to

C:\Program Files\NetBeans-12.6.netbeans\enterprise\modules\ext\javaee7-endorsed and paste the.jar file there to make it automatic.

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