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DebeziumIO read with SQL Server not streaming with Apache beam in GCP

I did configure the standalone Debezium and tested the streaming. After that I created a pipeline as follows

pipeline.apply("Read from DebeziumIO",
                     .withConnectionProperty("database.server.name", "customer")
                     .withConnectionProperty("database.dbname", "test001")
                     .withConnectionProperty("database.include.list", "test002")
                     .withConnectionProperty("include.schema.changes", "true")
                     .withConnectionProperty("database.history.kafka.bootstrap.servers", "kafka:9092")  
                     .withConnectionProperty("database.history.kafka.topic", "schema-changes.inventory") 
                     .withConnectionProperty("connect.keep.alive", "false")               
                     .withConnectionProperty("connect.keep.alive.interval.ms", "200")
                  ).withFormatFunction(new SourceRecordJson.SourceRecordJsonMapper()).withCoder(StringUtf8Coder.of())

When I start the pipeline using DirectRunner, datastream is not captured by the pipeline. In my pipeline code I just added code to dump the data into console for the time being.

Also from the log I observe that the Debezium is being started and stopped frequently. Is that by design? Also when there is a change made into the DB (INSERT/DELETE/UPDATE), I dont find it being reflected in the logs.

So my question is,

  1. Configuration what I provided is that sufficient?
  2. Why is the pipeline not being triggered when there is a change?
  3. What additional steps I need to perform to get it working?

Restarting debezium multiple times can it cause performance impacts. Since it creates a jdbc connection.

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