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How do I tell my program to go back to a certain point after the wrong answer is selected?

In my midterm CYA game, you come across 2 staircases, left and right. You have the option to choose which one you go to, the right advancing you and the left (eventually) sending you back because it is blocked. I don't know how to get it to do that based on what I already have.

    List<string> itemsList1 = new List<string>();

    string input1;
    string input2;
    public FirstSteps()
        Console.WriteLine("Unfortunately for us, we have to start at the bottom of the castle, unless you have a catapult or a grappling hook, but I don't suppose you have either of those do you.\n");

    public void Populate()
        contentArray1[0] = "See that key lying there? Think we should grab it?\n Type Yes or No.";
        contentArray1[1] = "Really? You don't want to grab the key thats just sitting there? Your loss.";
        contentArray1[2] = "Wow, isn't this a cliche. 2 staircases, the wrtiers really must be getting bored. Anyways, we going for the right or the left?\n Type Right or Left";
        contentArray1[3] = "This staircase is blocked, try again";
        contentArray1[4] = "Theres a chest up here, wonder if that key can open it, wanna try?\n Type Yes or No.";
        contentArray1[5] = "You need the key to open the chest, duh.";

    public void KeyEvent()
        input1 = Console.ReadLine();
        input1 = input1.ToLower();

        if (input1 == "yes")
            Console.WriteLine("Right, probably a good idea.");
            itemsList1.Add("dirty key");

    public void StepsEvent()
        input2 = Console.ReadLine();
        input2 = input2.ToLower();

        if (input2 == "left")
        if (input2 == "right")
            Console.WriteLine("Right one it is.");

This is (most of) my class that I am working with. When I begin working with input2 is where the problem arises, based on what I have set up with the array and the if statements I don't know how to make it so when the left if statemnt triggers, it says contentArray1[3], and then sends you back to the decision. I imagine I need a loop but I don't know where to put it.

You can use go to statement.

PC: Very easy to use.

About go to

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