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pyspark.sql.utils.AnalysisException: Table not found: test_result;

I am trying to read files from S3 Bucket and write the dataframe to postgresql table using pyspark- but am encountering the following error


from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
spark = SparkSession.builder.appName('sample_v2').getOrCreate()

path = ['s3a://path/sample_data.csv']
df = spark.read.csv(path, sep=',',inferSchema=True, header=True)

print(df.show()) #works until here, df has data



22/04/06 12:15:31 WARN HiveConf: HiveConf of name hive.stats.jdbc.timeout does not exist
22/04/06 12:15:31 WARN HiveConf: HiveConf of name hive.stats.retries.wait does not exist
22/04/06 12:15:34 WARN ObjectStore: Version information not found in metastore. hive.metastore.schema.verification is not enabled so recording the schema version 2.3.0
22/04/06 12:15:34 WARN ObjectStore: setMetaStoreSchemaVersion called but recording version is disabled: version = 2.3.0, comment = Set by MetaStore UNKNOWN@
22/04/06 12:15:34 WARN ObjectStore: Failed to get database default, returning NoSuchObjectException
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "C:\Softwares\spark-3.2.1-bin-hadoop3.2\spark\python\pyspark\sql\readwriter.py", line 762, in insertInto
  File "C:\Softwares\spark-3.2.1-bin-hadoop3.2\spark\python\lib\py4j-\py4j\java_gateway.py", line 1321, in __call__
  File "C:\Softwares\spark-3.2.1-bin-hadoop3.2\spark\python\pyspark\sql\utils.py", line 117, in deco
    raise converted from None
pyspark.sql.utils.AnalysisException: Table not found: test_result;
'InsertIntoStatement 'UnresolvedRelation [test_result], [], false, false, false

How to resolve this?

you should use jdbc:postgresql:// instead of using jdbc:postgres:// .

The error says "pyspark.sql.utils.AnalysisException: Table not found: test_result;" but the issue could be with the connection establishment from spark to Postgres system.

df1=spark.read.format("jdbc").option("driver","org.postgresql.Driver").option("url","jdbc:postgresql://********************rds.amazonaws.com:5432;database=abc;user=abcde;password=abcdef").option("query", "select 1").load()

If the above statement gives the result then there is no connection issue and issue could be different like the user doesn't have access to the table.

I tried to use the above syntax and I was getting error org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: The server requested password-based authentication, but no password was provided. while establishing connection to postgress so I am using the below syntax to write to the Postgres

To read from the database

source_db_url = "jdbc:postgresql://xxxxxxxxxxxx.rds.amazonaws.com:5432/database"
db_user = "admin"
db_password = "admin"
df1=spark.read.format("jdbc").option("driver", db_driver).option("url", source_db_url).option("query", "select 1").option("user", db_user).option("password", db_password).load()

To write to database

source_db_url = "jdbc:postgresql://xxxxxxxxxxxx.rds.amazonaws.com:5432/database"
db_user = "admin"
db_password = "admin"
df1.write.format("jdbc").mode("Overwrite").option("truncate", "true").option("driver", db_driver).option("url", source_db_url).option("dbtable", "public.test_result").option("user", db_user).option("password", db_password).save()

if you are facing error py4j.protocol.Py4JJavaError: An error occurred while calling o98.save. : java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.postgresql.Driver py4j.protocol.Py4JJavaError: An error occurred while calling o98.save. : java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.postgresql.Driver

Download the PostgreSQL JDBC Driver from https://jdbc.postgresql.org/download.html Then replace the database configuration values by yours.

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession

spark = SparkSession \
    .builder \
    .appName("Python Spark SQL basic example") \
    .config("spark.jars", "/path_to_postgresDriver/postgresql-42.2.5.jar") \

The entire game was of syntax- df.write.format("jdbc").option("driver", "org.postgresql.Driver").option("url","jdbc:postgresql://*************************ast-1.rds.a mazonaws.com/dbname").option("port","5432").option("dbtable","public.table_name").option("user","abc").option("password","abc").save()

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