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Clojure in VSCode, Calva messes with compile path?

So I setup a project with Lein, test and run, works fine. I open it in VSCode (where Calva is installed) and when running the same test: lein run test I get C:\Users\felix\AppData\Local\Temp\clojure-3239065182638120769.edn So there is something when I open the project in VSCode with Calva that makes Lein suddenly look for the.clj files in my Local Temp folder. How can I make it stop looking elsewhere, why could it run it fine before I opened it in VSCode?

lein test is the way to do it, here's a great write up on leiningen's test process: https://medium.com/helpshift-engineering/the-convoluted-magic-of-leiningen-test-selectors-2eb6c452dfcf

Another awesome thing is you can just run the tests in calva! https://calva.io/test-runner/

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