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In a pyspark dataframe, when I rename a column, the previous name can still be used for filtering. Bug or feature?

I work on DataBricks with PySpark dataframe containing string-type columns. I use.withColumnRenamed() to rename one of them. Later in the process I use a.filter() to select rows that contain a certain substring. I accidentally used the old column name and it still ran the filter and produced the 'correct' results as if I used the new column name. My problem is: is this a bug or a feature?

I reproduced the problem in a simple situation:

_test = sqlContext.createDataFrame([("abcd","efgh"), ("kalp","quarto"), ("aceg","egik")], [ 'x1', 'x2'])

|  x1|    x2|
|abcd|  efgh|
|aceg|  egik|

_test2 = _test.withColumnRenamed('x1', 'new')

_test2.filter("x1 == 'aceg'").show()

| new|  x2|
_test2.filter("substring(x1,1,2) == 'ka'").show()
| new|    x2|

I would have expected an error in the filter commands as the column x1 does not exist anymore in "_test2". The weird thing is that the output is showing the new name ('new').

Another example:

_test2.filter("substring(x1,1,1) == 'a'").show()


| new|  x2|

and _test2.filter("substring(x1,1,1) == 'a'").filter(F.col('x1') == 'abcd').show() gives

| new|  x2|

However _test2.select(['x1', 'x2']).show() will throw an error that 'x1' does not exist.

This is the known issue of Spark. The community decided not to fix it. See this related jira for more information.

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