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Make a curl request for xml_rpc c++ server

I am trying to make a curl request for a c++ xml-rpc server. After a bit of reading, I came to know the xml-rpc request using curl will look like this

curl --connect-timeout 10 -d'
<xml request>
' -H 'Content-type:text/xml' https://<Billing Core server>:<Port>/RPC2

In my case it will be

curl --connect-timeout 10 -d'
<xml request>
' -H 'Content-type:text/xml'

I am not sure how to fill in <xml request> and xml_rpc c++ code looks like this

class Data {

    std::string getTitle() const;
    void setTitle(std::string title);
    std::string getMessage(std::string name) const;

    std::string title;

class SetTitle: public xmlrpc_c::method {
    SetTitle(Data* data);
    void execute(xmlrpc_c::paramList const& paramList, xmlrpc_c::value * const retvalP);
    SetTitle(); // Hereby disabled
    Data* data;

void SetTitle::execute(xmlrpc_c::paramList const& paramList, xmlrpc_c::value * const retvalP) {
  string const title(paramList.getString(0));


  *retvalP = xmlrpc_c::value_string(title); // XML-RPC void return values are an extension to the protocol and not always available or compatible between languages.

serviceRegistry.addMethod("set_title", new SetTitle(data));

How to create xml_request? I would like to call set_tittle function. How to fill in Data information in xml_request


I created a file name set_title.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

And made a curl request

curl -H "Content-Type: text/xml" -d @set_title.xml -X POST -v

Here are specs from http://xmlrpc.com/

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