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Thread.sleep() being ignored by selenium C#

I have a selenium test that works great while debugging and stepping slowly through. I added a Thread.Sleep() in order to stop selenium while a file is downloaded. However selenium in completely ignoring the Thread.Sleep() . Any thoughts?

IWebElement iframe = driver.FindElement(By.Id("genFrame"));
CurrentFrame = driver.SwtichTo();
driver.FindElement(By.Id("date").Sendkeys("05/11/2021" + Keys.Enter));

In all possibilities System.Thread.Sleep() is never ignored unless some previous line of code raises an exception.

As per your code the unit is milliseconds , so effectively 5000 milliseconds, ie 5 seconds.


You may like to increase the waiting time to greater value, eg 10 seconds or more:

using System;  
using System.Threading;



As you can visually see selenium add the date field, possibly the line in the mid:


raises an exception.

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