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Kolla ansible images pull error on ubuntu 20.04

I'm trying to deployement an Openstack infrastracture multi node with kolla-ansible on Ubuntu 20.04.4 .

ansible 4.10.0 
ansible-core 2.11.11 
kolla-ansible  13.0.1

when I execute command:

kolla-ansible -i /etc/kolla/multinode pull


kolla-ansible -i /etc/kolla/multinode deploy

I'm getting error:

fatal: [controller]: FAILED: => {"msg": "template error while templating string. No filter named 'select_services_enabled_and_mapped_to_host'.: String, {{ lookup('vars', (kolla_role_name | default(project_name)) + '_services') | select_services_enabled_and_mapped_to_host }}"}

fatal: [compute01]: FAILED: => {"msg": "template error while templating string. No filter named 'select_services_enabled_and_mapped_to_host'.: String, {{ lookup('vars', (kolla_role_name | default(project_name)) + '_services') | select_services_enabled_and_mapped_to_host }}"}

I have 1 deployment Node, 1 controller, 1 compute Node

Doesn't seems like a pull-issue based in the error-message. Seems like another configuration-problem with your Neutron. The default-multi-node config requires 3 controller. I don't exactly know your multi-node config for kolla-ansible, but when you only want 1 controller and 1 compute you can do something different:

Use the all-in-one -file for your setup. Should be in path kolla-ansible/ansible/inventory/all-in-one . Modify this file by replacing the localhost in the [compute] -section with the name of the host, where the compute should be created and remove the ansible_connection=local . This always worked for me, when I created a test-deployment with 1 controller and X compute-nodes.

Only in case you want the controller not on the host, where you execute the kolla-ansible, then replace all other localhost by the name of your controller-node and of course remove the ansible_connection=local everywhere.

Only the be sure: Don't forget to write the name of the host with it's ip-address in the /etc/hosts -file on the node, where you execute the kolla-ansible run.

Firstly, what's the result of kolla-ansible prechecks -i multinode_or_all-in-one command?

Dive into this method select_services_enabled_and_mapped_to_host of kolla-ansible project, you will find some clues. The method's return dependent by service_enabled and service_mapped_to_host

So, there are two step to clear your problem:

  • 1, check the service enabled setting in /etc/kolla/globals.yml and kolla-ansible/ansible/group_vars/all.yml .

You can use this file(globals.yml) to override any variable throughout Kolla. Additional options can be found in the 'kolla-ansible/ansible/group_vars/all.yml' file.

  • 2, check the host inventory in multinode or all-in-one file whether consistent with the really information or not.

Or everything is OK, I think you should redeploy it refer to kolla-ansible quickstar .

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