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Platform-independent Python call from Jenkinsfile

I have a Jenkinsfile that looks like this:

stage('MyStage') {
  steps {
    script {
      bat script: "python my-script.py"

Now I want this Jenkinsfile to be able to also run on a Linux machine, and since this line "python my-script.py", can be executed exactly the same way in both Windows and Linux I want to find a way to not duplicate the call like this:

if (isUnix()) {
  sh: "python my-script.py"
} else {
  bat: "python my-script.py"

Is it possible to solve this in a pretty way?



def call(string cmd) {
    if (isUnix()) {
        sh: cmd
    } else {
        bat: cmd

stage('MyStage') {
  steps {
    script {
      call("python my-script.py")

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