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Convert Json string literals to utf8 characters with perl or bash

I have a file full of \u codes and want to replace them all with corresponding utf8 character, for example "ü" will become "ü":

Here is how far I got:

echo 'f\u00FCr' | perl -C -p -e "s/\\\\(u[0-9A-Fa-f]{4})/ chr(hex(sprintf('0x%s', '00FC'))) /ge"

This will output the expected "für". I just can't figure out how to use the value of the capture group into the sprintf function? $1, $1, \1 and \1 are not working. Guess it will be something very simple, but don't know what to search for. :-)

Or if there is a better approach for this, please let me know, too!

$1 is correct, although you are mistakenly including the u in the capture.

But you have to be careful about escaping for the shell. You are apparently using sh or similar (based on your need to escape the \ ), so you have to escape certain characters when using double-quotes. That includes $ . Your shell is interpolating $1 before perl sees it. Best to use single-quotes.

perl -C -pe's/\\u([0-9A-Fa-f]{4})/ chr(hex($1)) /ge'

Note that sprintf('0x%s', '00FC') is equivalent to '0x'. '00FC' '0x'. '00FC' , but hex doesn't require the leading 0x . '00FC' (and thus $1 ) is sufficient.

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