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How to call blazor onclick method with static render mode

How to call onclick method while rendering component as a static html? I mean, is there any workarounds in JavaScript?

@(await Html.RenderComponentAsync<Awesome>(RenderMode.Static))

And the Awesome.razor


<button @onclick="@(() => name = name.ToUpper())">Upper case me</button>

@code {
    string name = "Mr. Blazor";

While using ServerPrerendered it seems to work because oninitialize method is fire, but again onclick doesn't work.

@(await Html.RenderComponentAsync<Awesome>(RenderMode.ServerPrerendered))

Like the docs say:

Static : Renders the component into static HTML

That means an @onclick will never work, nor anything else in written in C#.

is there any workarounds in JavaScript?

JavaScript will still work, use onclick (without the @ ). But that won't let you use this name variable.

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