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Why is parseInt displaying Nan? - Angular

I am currently iterating through an array and adding the key to my panels array. I am getting the correct length of the array which is three but my parseint is displaying NaN. How can I convert the key which is a string to an int to display panel-0 for example instead of panel-NaN.

Object.keys(this.Category).forEach((key) => {
      this.panels.push(parseInt(key, 3));
      this.activeIds = this.panels.map(p => 'panel-' + p);

what you are doing is parseInt('Car' 3) , since "Car" is not a number you will get NaN

probaby you want something like this:

Object.keys(this.Category).forEach((key) => {
   this.panels.push('panel-' + panels.length + 1);

Parseint takes a string and a number between 2,36 (including both ends) called a radix. It eliminates all whitespace and then starts asking "is this number between 0-(radix-1)"? If the first character it finds, after it's out of whitespace, isn't what it considers to be a number, that's one of two conditions when it will spit out a NaN. It then evaluates character by character till it finds a number. parseInt("-bob",36) will give an integer equal to -bob base 36 (aka -15131). parseint("3",3) will give you NaN. parseint(" 1234567890", 10) gives 1234567890.

Your example is drawing off a key. Without knowing what the key is it might start with invalid characters . But, assuming you've done your due diligence and cleaned up the data. You're also asking the data to be a number base 3. The initial character can sometimes determine the base when you rely on a default radix. If you firmly want numbers between 0-9 (everyday base ten numbers) you ought to put in 10 as the second argument. If you don't put the radix in yourself, it might decide a number starting with 0 is in base 8 or 16 depending on the operating environment.

Mozilla's documentation describes the behavior in detail as well as edge cases and work arounds.

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