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Formatting print from itertools product

I am trying to print a list of every combination of a certain set of characters, I am using Product from itertools to do that. I have code that works for the printing of every set of characters, but, the formatting is not what i want.

Example of working code with wrong format:

from itertools import product

comb = product([1, "a", "."], repeat=3)

for i in comb:

The output of the code has the characters ( ' , ) which I don't want. If someone can help me get an output of what the combonation would be by its self without these characters I would really appreciate that.

You can think of comb as being a list of all combinations as tuples.

So just unpack each item while iterating, then you can also handle seperatly:

for (v0, v1, v2) in comb:
    print(v0, v1, v2)


1 1 1
1 1 a
1 1 .
1 a 1

print(*i) should do the trick.

Explanation : the * unpack items from an iterable, so it is equivalent to : print(i[0],i[1],i[2])

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