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Hide rows of datatable based on condition in JSF2

I'm using MyFaces <h:datatable> in JSF2 and I would like to hide rows based on condition like below.

But it seems that my condition doesn't work.

<h:dataTable value="#{myController.persons}" var="person"
    styleClass="table table-striped table-lg borderless"
    headerClass="table-header borderless header-cell"
    rowStyleClass="#{person.gender ne 'M'}">
            <div class="">
                <f:facet name="header">Name</f:facet>
            <div class="">

I also tried to use only rowStyleClass but it doesn't work also

rowStyleClass="#{person.gender ne 'M' ? 'table-show-row': 'table-hide-row'}">

any suggestions ?

The answer is pretty simple. There's no rowStyleClass in h:dataTable .

There is only a rowClasses attribute ( docs ).

You can find rowStyleClass in data tables from PrimeFaces .

it was a bit tricky because in rowClasses you can't write a condition so the solution is to create in Bean a function which returns list of comma separated css classes and call it in xhtml

In Bean:

    String rowStyles;

    public String getRowStyles() {
        rowStyles = "";
        for (Person person: persons) {
            rowStyles += person.getGender().equals('M') ? "table-hide-row," : "table-show-row,";

        return rowStyles;


<h:dataTable rowClasses="#{personBean.rowStyles}" ...>

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