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How to instantiate the properties of a constructor of a class in flutter

I want to instantaite the properties of a class while trying to create a object of it in flutter

DataBaseProvider File

class DatabaseProvider extends ChangeNotifier {
  int _selectedIndex = 0;

  Box<Contacts> _contactsBox = Hive.box<Contacts>('contacts');

  Contacts _selectedContact = Contacts();

  Box<Contacts> get contactsBox => _contactsBox;

  Contacts get selectedContact => _selectedContact;

  ///* Updating the current selected index for that contact to pass to read from hive
  void updateSelectedIndex(int index) {
    _selectedIndex = index;

  ///* Updating the current selected contact from hive
  void updateSelectedContact() {
    _selectedContact = readFromHive();

  ///* reading the current selected contact from hive
  Contacts readFromHive() {
    Contacts getContact = _contactsBox.getAt(_selectedIndex);

    return getContact;

  void deleteFromHive(){

Model File

@HiveType(typeId: 0)
class Contacts {
  String name;

  String imageURL;
  String? number;
    required this.name,
    required this.imageURL,

Now whenever i try creating a object of Contacts Class it aks for the reuqired properties values. For Ex: Contacts ct = Contacts( name: name, imageURL:imageURL)

So in the DatabaseProvider file how shall i initialize these above properties(name and imageURL as it is required) so that I am able to create a object of the class Contacts

You can just provide some default parameters inside the model file -

@HiveType(typeId: 0)
class Contacts {
  String name;

  String imageURL;
  String? number;
    required this.name = "some name",
    required this.imageURL = "URL",
    this.number = "425890",

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