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STMP.js is not sending an email is there something I am doing wrong?

I am trying to send emails from my client-side javascript however the function does not send the email. I do not know what I am doing wrong yet or is the feature disabled from Gmail? Here is my code

function sendEmail() {

        Host: "smtp.gmail.com",
        Username: "myemail@gmail.com",
        Password: "password",
        To: "recepientemail",
        From: "myemail@gmail.com",
        Subject: "Subject",
        Body: "Hooray",
        .then(function (message) {
          console.log("mail sent successfully")

您必须在您的 gmail 设置中允许访问不太安全的应用程序(此选项将在 2022 年 5 月 30 日之前可用)

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