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how to loop by each value in python

Below is the code where I want to filter in the data frame through the country list in a loop. how to pass that value in the Owning country filter?

This is my Code :

countrylist= ['Italy','Germany']
for country in countrylist:
        dataframe = dataframe[dataframe['Owning_Country'] == ]


Try this out:

countrylist= ['Italy','Germany']

for country in countrylist:

df= df[df['Owning_Country'] == country]

you may have to use sleep from time module i guess.

 import time countrylist= ['Italy','Germany'] for country in countrylist: print(country) time.sleep(1) dataframe = dataframe[dataframe['Owning_Country'] == country]

maybe sommeone can provide a better way but as so far this is the simplest way.

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