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Why is my nested while loop not working? if and second while loop is expected

the program should search for a image in the first loop and add it to a list, in the secon loop should he search till he find a image that isnt already in the list. PyCharm give me the errors that while search = True: and if pic == used is expected.

used = []
search = True

#First Loop
while True:
    pic = driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR,value=".image-post img")
    pic_url = pic.get_attribute("src")
    pic_title = pic.get_attribute("alt")

#Second loop
        while search = True:
        pic = driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, value=".image-post img")
        if pic == used
            search = True

            search = False



I think that you used a bad operator type. By that, I mean that you should probably use == and not = . Check it and inform me .

Try this

used = []

#First Loop
while True:
    search = True #moved search = True here so that the nested loop will run each iteration of the main loop as it will be set back to True
    pic = driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR,value=".image-post img")
    pic_url = pic.get_attribute("src") #you’re not doing anything with this from the looks of it
    pic_title = pic.get_attribute("alt") #same with this

#Second loop
        while search:
            pic = driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, value=".image-post img")
            if pic != used:#may want to change “used” to “used[-1]” here as used is a list while it appears pic is not, so the -1 will get the last value in used
                search = False


You could also replace search with True and change the “search = False” with “break”

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