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MongoDB query for nested array of specific object

I am a new mongodb user, this why I am asking this question. I have a document, in this document I have 3 objects under one _id.

When I am filtering { "people.age": { $in: [24] } } I am getting full this document. But I want to see only the matching object. Like for age 24, I just want to see object 2, not object 0 and 1.

Is it possible to show only the matching object? If you kindly explain me it will be helpful for me.


Use $ for projection.

Query 1

  "people.age": {
    $in: [
  "people.$": 1

Sample Mongo Playground (Query 1)

If you just to search people by certain age, you may use the below query as well:

Query 2

  "people.age": 24
  "people.$": 1

Sample Mongo Playground (Query 2)

Note: $ will returns only the first element of the array.

You may look for aggregation query as:

  1. $match - Filter the document by age .
  2. $project - Decorate output documents. With $filter operator to filter the document in people array.
    $match: {
      "people.age": 24
    $project: {
      "people": {
        $filter: {
          input: "$people",
          cond: {
            $eq: [

Sample Mongo Playground (Aggregation pipeline)


Project Specific Array Elements in the Returned Array

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