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Calculating a rolling 30 day average with multiple values per day

I have a table that looks something like this:

city date value
DC 2020-01-01 10
DC 2020-01-01 23
DC 2020-01-02 43
NYC 2020-01-01 43
NYC 2020-01-02 23
NYC 2020-01-03 10

There are multiple values per city, per date. I'm having a hard time calculating the forward looking 30 day average because the condition in the rolling average should be based on the date and not based on the number of rows. I want the output to be something like this:

city date value
DC 2020-01-01 25.33
DC 2020-01-02 43
NYC 2020-01-01 25.33
NYC 2020-01-02 16.5
NYC 2020-01-03 10

So I can't do something like this:

AVG(value) OVER (
           PARTITION BY city, date
           ORDER BY date DESC

joining the table on itself like this:

SELECT t1.city, t1.date, avg(t2.values)
FROM table1 t1
JOIN table1 t2 ON t1.city=t2.city 
    AND t2.date < DATEADD('day',31,t1.date)
    AND t2.date >= t1.date

isn't an option because it's quite large and takes forever. How do I do this?

You want to use RANGE instead of ROWS in your window frame. But that requires ordering by a number. So you need to do:

over (... order by datediff(date,'1970-01-01') asc range between 31 preceding and 1 following)

(Though I think you want 0 following?)

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