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String Compression using python

Everything else seems to work just fine, but last character is always off by 1. For example, if I input abcccddd, I get a1b1c3d2 but I should get a1b1c3d3. Any hint would be much appreciated!

Prompt: String Compression: Implement a method to perform basic string compression using the counts of repeated characters. For example, the string aabcccccaaa would become a2blc5a3. If the "compressed" string would not become smaller than the original string, your method should return the original string. You can assume the string has only uppercase and lowercase letters (a - z). Do the easy thing first. Compress the string, then compare the lengths. Be careful that you aren't repeatedly concatenating strings together, this can be very inefficient.

def compression(string): 
    hash = {}
    list = []
    count = 0
    for i in range(len(string) - 1): 
        if string[i - 1] != string[i] or i == 0: 
            if string[i] != string[i + 1] or i == len(string) - 2: 
                count = count + 1
                count = 0
            elif string[i] == string[i + 1]: 
                count = count + 1
        elif string[i - 1] == string[i]:
            if string[i] != string[i + 1] or i == len(string) - 2: 
                count = count + 1
                count = 0
            if string[i] == string[i + 1]: 
                count = count + 1
    result =  "".join(list)
    if len(result) == len(string): 
        return string
        return result
string = "abcccfffgggg"

If you are up to the itertools module - try groupby :

s = 'bbbbaacddd' # dddeeef gg'
groups = [(label, len(list(group))) 
                  for label, group in groupby(s) if label] #

compressed = "".join("{}{}".format(label, count) for label, count in groups)

print(compressed)  #    b4a2c1d3         

Another way to achieve it, is to use more_itertools.run_length .

>>> compressed = list(run_length.encode(s))
>>> compressed
[('b', 4), ('a', 2), ('c', 1), ('d', 3)]
>>> ''.join("{}{}".format(label, count) for label, count in compressed)

You can make this easier by using a dictionary and deleting the characters whenever you use them, which counts the number of characters you want to compress

string = "aabccccaaaa"

output = ""
lastchar = string[0]
counts = {lastchar:1}

for i in range(1, len(string)):
    s = string[i]
    if s == lastchar:
        counts[s] += 1
        output += f"{lastchar}{counts[lastchar]}" if counts[lastchar] > 1 else lastchar
        del counts[lastchar]
        counts[s] = 1
    lastchar = s

print(output+f"{lastchar}{counts[lastchar]}" if counts[lastchar] > 1 else lastchar)

You could use a pattern with a backreference ([az])\1 matching the repeating characters, and assemble the final string with counts using the length of the matches.

Then you can compare the length of the original string and the assembled string.

Example code

import re

strings = [

def compression(s):
    res = ''.join([x.group(1) + str(len(x.group())) for x in re.finditer(r"([a-z])\1*", s, re.I)])
    return res if len(s) >= len(res) else s

for s in strings:



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