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How can I print both at the same time in C

This is the bulletfire(move) code

void fire(int bx, int by)
gotoxy(bx, by);
int a;
for (int i = bx; i >= MAP_X + 2; i--) {
    gotoxy(i+1, by);
    printf("  ");

    gotoxy(i, by);
    a = i;

gotoxy(a, by);
printf("   ");


This is PlayerMove code "wasd" move and "n" bulletfire

while (1)
        ch = '\0';
        bx = x - 1;
        by = y;
        if (_kbhit())ch = _getch();

        gotoxy(x, y);
        printf("        ");
        gotoxy(x, y + 1);
        printf("      ");
        gotoxy(x, y + 2);
        printf("      ");

        switch (ch)
        case 'w':

            if (y > 2) y--;

        case 's':
            if (y < MAP_HEIGHT - 4) y++;
        case 'a':
            if (x > 6) x--;
        case 'd':
            if (x < MAP_WIDTH - 6) x++;
        case 'n':

            fire(bx, by);

        if (y <= 4 && x <= 8) {
            x = 70; y = 6;
        else if (y <= 4 && x >= 50 && x <= 57) {

            x = 70; y = 6;

        gotoxy(x, y);
        gotoxy(x, y + 1);
        printf(" \\  /");
        gotoxy(x, y + 2);
        printf("  \\/");
        gotoxy(1, 26);
        printf("%d, %d", x, y);



This is a code that shoots bullets horizontally when the n button is pressed.

Now, when the bullet button is pressed, the bullet is fired and the bullet moves, but the player's output is cut off.

I want to print the bullet firing animation and the player at the same time, how do I do that?

It seems you are trying to make a command-line game that interacts with the console.

Update both at the same time.

You will need to paint/update the entire canvas to achieve this effect.

Maintain a 2D array char Map[MAP_HEIGHT][MAP_WIDTH] and make changes to it depending on the user's input.

Then clear your console and print the contents of your Map .

Suggestion: Consolidate and separate the input processing and canvas updation steps .

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