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Using Derby SQL to calculate value for histogram

I have a table with various SKU in totes.

The table is totecontents with below columns:

  • ToteID
  • SKU

Each Tote can contain a maximum of 6 SKUs. (programmatically constrained)

select toteid, count(*) as qtypertote

from totecontents 

group by toteid;

gives me a list of totes with the number of skus in each.

I now want to get to a table with following result

SkuCount Occurences where each row would have the ordinal value (1 through 6 ) and then the number of occurences of that value.

My efforts included the following approach

select count(*) 
      ( select toteid, count(*) as qtypertote 
        from totecontents 
        group by toteid)
group by qtypertote;

Stung by the comments I performed more research. This works:

SELECT CountOfskus, COUNT(1) groupedCount


( SELECT COUNT(*) as countofskus, toteid

  FROM totecontents

  Group By toteid 

) MyTable

GROUP BY countofskus;

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