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convert QList to QString

I want to be able to print a QList to a TextBox with setText(“ “), but I need to convert that list to a string. This may be trivial, but I'm new to cpp and Qt. essentially I want to do the following:

{1,2,3,4} -> “{1,2,3,4}”

Improving a bit on the answer by JarMan. This should be more performant and more Qt-ish.

// Assuming QList of integers
QString list2String(const QList<int> &list)
    QStringList strings;

    for (int i : list)

    return QStringLiteral("{%1}").arg(strings.join(','));

QList is just a container. It doesn't know anything about strings. So you'll need to iterate over the list and append each value into the string.

// Assuming QList of integers
QString list2String(const QList<int> &list)
    QString s = "{";

    for (auto &value : list)
        s += QString("%1,").arg(value);

    // Chop off the last comma

    s += "}";
    return s;

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