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verilog: a genvar 'i' following with width?

module xxx
    input   wire    [`NUM+7:0]  dec_in,
    output  wire    [`NUM-1:0]  dec

genvar i;
    for (i=0; i < `NUM; i=i+1) begin : 
        assign base = (dec_of_onehot >= i[`NUM-1:0]);
        assign bound = (dec_of_onehot <= i[`NUM-1:0]);
        assign onehot_of_dec[i]  = (base == 1'b1) && (bound == 1'b1);


What's the meaning of assign xxx? Does not contain variable definitions for base and bound but still works. and a genvar 'i' following with width?

base and bound are implicit 1-bit wire declarations for each iteration of the generate loop. Unless you name the begin/end generate block, they are local to each block.

I assume there must be variable declarations for the other variables that you did not show.

BTW, relying on implicit wire declarations is poor programming practice. It would be much clear to show the intent

genvar i;
    for (i=0; i < `NUM; i=i+1) begin
        wire base, bound;
        assign base = (dec_of_onehot >= i[`NUM-1:0]);
        assign bound = (dec_of_onehot <= i[`NUM-1:0]);
        assign onehot_of_dec[i]  = (base == 1'b1) && (bound == 1'b1);

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