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Unable to find entry point in tm1api.dll

I am attempting to write a C# application connecting to a Cognos TM1 datastore using the tm1api.dll. I have created a basic shell project in VS C# Express 2008, and added the following code

public partial class MainPortal : Window

    [System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(@"C:\\Program Files\\Cognos\\TM1\\bin\\tm1api.dll", EntryPoint="TM1APIInitialise")]
    public static extern void TM1APIInitialise();

    public MainPortal()


I can build this project with no errors, but when running I get the following error:

"Unable to find an entry point named 'TM1APIInitialise' in DLL 'C:\\\\Program Files\\\\Cognos\\\\TM1\\\\bin\\\\tm1api.dll'."

I have used 'dumpbin /exports tm1api.dll' to determine its entry point:

    101   5D 00008360 TM1APIFinalize

Now I am at a loss, it seems to have an entry point but does recognize it. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

PS. I am completely new to C#, so I may be making extremely basic mistakes :)

try this

public partial class MainPortal : Window

    [System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(@"C:\Program Files\Cognos\TM1\bin\tm1api.dll", EntryPoint="TM1APIFinalize")]
    public static extern void TM1APIFinalize();

    public MainPortal()


It appears you have the name of the entrypoint wrong "TM1APIInitialise" versus "TM1APIFinalize". Also, you don't need to escape the backslashes \\ if you use the string literal @.

Thanks JP and ArsenMkrt, your answers both lead to me working out the issue.

I had it defined as TM1APIInitialise and it should have been TM1APIInitialize.

Note the 's' instead of the 'z' (damn American spelling) :).

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