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Is there a method in Python where I can take a list, and print out the corresponding value from a dictionary?

From user input, I can make a list. It is the intention for this list to be cross-checked with the dictionary and the corresponding value to be printed in another list.

Upon inputting "food" twice, a type-error of unhashable type: "list"

What can I do to solve this problem? Either through a change in ordering or the use of novel functions? This is my code:

grocery_market = {"food": 2}

shopping_list = []

max_shop_list = 2

while len(shopping_list) < max_shop_list:
    item = input("Add an item: ")




I think this is what you are looking for:

grocery_market = {"food": 2}

shopping_list = []

max_shop_list = 2

while len(shopping_list) < max_shop_list:
    item = input("Add an item: ")



both = [] # Create a dictionary to put our results in

for item in shopping_list:
    if item in list(grocery_market.keys()): # Check if the item exists in the grocery market
        both.append(grocery_market[item]) # Add the item to the dictionary if found in both

print(both) # Print out the results

If you want a dictionary do

both = {}

for item in shopping_list:
    if item in list(grocery_market.keys()): # Check if the item exists in the grocery market
        both[item] = grocery_market[item] # Add the item to the dictionary if found in both

(this was the original answer)

Im not sure what "printed in another list" means.

But you can use lost comprehension with if statement:

print([item for item in shopping_list if item in grocery_market])

Or dict comprehension:

print({item: value for item, value in grocery_market.items() if item in shopping_list}) 

Seems like you want to look up the value of each item in the list. Using shopping_list_values = [grocery_market[item] for item in shopping_list] will get you that.

grocery_market = {"food": 2}

shopping_list = []

max_shop_list = 2

while len(shopping_list) < max_shop_list:
    item = input("Add an item: ")



print([grocery_market[itm] for itm in shopping_list])

This prints

Add an item: 
Add an item: 
['food', 'food']
[2, 2]

grocery_market = {"food": 2}

shopping_list = []

max_shop_list = 2

while len(shopping_list) < max_shop_list:

item = input("Add an item: ")



both = [] # Create a dictionary to put our results in

for item in shopping_list: if item in list(grocery_market.keys()): # Check if the item exists in the grocery market both.append(grocery_market[item]) # Add the item to the dictionary if found in both

print(both) # Print out the results

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