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Expand an integer value into a range in SQL

I have data from a PostgreSQL query in this basic shape:

(`Group` varchar(1), `Months` int, `Value` int);

(`Group`, `Months`, `Value`)
('A', 11, 137),
('B', 9, 666),
('C', 3, 42);

Assume that Value does not change for each combination of Group and Month . What I want to do is, expand the table so that Months is a range from 1 to whatever the Months value is, for each group. So the output would look like:

CREATE TABLE DesiredOutput
(`Group` varchar(1), `Months` int, `Value` int);

INSERT INTO DesiredOutput
(`Group`, `Months`, `Value`)
('A', 1, 137),
('A', 2, 137),
('A', 3, 137),
('A', 4, 137),
('A', 5, 137),
('A', 6, 137),
('A', 7, 137),
('A', 8, 137),
('A', 9, 137),
('A', 10, 137),
('A', 11, 137),
('B', 1, 666),
('B', 2, 666),
('B', 3, 666),
('B', 4, 666),
('B', 5, 666),
('B', 6, 666),
('B', 7, 666),
('B', 8, 666),
('B', 9, 666),
('C', 1, 42),
('C', 2, 42),
('C', 3, 42);

Is there an easy way to do this with SQL, or am I going to have to bring an outside scripting language into the mix?

Using a sequence table we can try:

WITH cte AS (
    SELECT * FROM generate_series(1, 12) AS s(Months)

SELECT t1."Group", t2.Months, t1.Value
FROM Table1 t1
    ON t2.Months <= t1.Months
ORDER BY t1."Group", t2.Months;

As you need a time series, you can with Postgres easy make one, by using generate_series in an CTE .

A CROSS JOIN with a WHERE clause that only allows months as high as the the Months that are represented in the Base table. Of course you can, if you have a more complicated pattern, you can creaet your own `WHERE" clause

WITH CTE AS ( SELECT * FROM generate_series(1, 12) AS s(Months) ) SELECT t1."Group", CTE.months, t1."Value" FROM Table1 t1 CROSS JOIN CTE WHERE CTE.months <= t1."Months" ORDER BY "Group",months
Group | months | Value
:---- |  -----: |  ----: 
A | 1 |  137 
A | 2 |  137 
A | 3 |  137 
A | 4 |  137 
A | 5 |  137 
A | 6 |  137 
A | 7 |  137 
A | 8 |  137 
A | 9 |  137 
A | 10 |  137 
A | 11 |  137 
B | 1 |  666 
B | 2 |  666 
B | 3 |  666 
B | 4 |  666 
B | 5 |  666 
B | 6 |  666 
B | 7 |  666 
B | 8 |  666 
B | 9 |  666 
C |  1 |  42 
C |  2 |  42 
C |  3 |  42 

db<>fiddle here

You don't need to use a CTE and you don't need to use a CROSS JOIN.

This will do:

SELECT t."Group", m.mnth AS "Months", t."Value"
FROM Table1 t
  INNER JOIN GENERATE_SERIES(1,12) AS m(mnth) ON t."Months" >= m.mnth
ORDER BY t."Group", m.mnth;

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