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jthread vs std::async - what is the use-case for jthread over std::async

I have just stumbled accross std::jthread: https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/thread/jthread

Which seems to be solving the same problem as std::async/future has already solved (although you may need to force the behaviour of async std::async(std::launch::async, ... to run immediately.

So my question is what is the point of using one over the other? - is there some difference? is jthread a wrapper of async/future?

Abstractly, they are very similar. Assume that one uses std::launch::async and one does not call std::jthread::detach . They both accept synchronous functions and run them concurrently with the current thread of execution. They both provide a way to wait on the completion: std::future::get or std::jthread::join . They both implicitly and automatically perform the wait on destruction.

The differences are more about the particular details and guarantees.

It should be noted that std::jthread was added as a fix for std::thread . std::thread was added in C++11 alongside std::async , and the same question is valid for these. So, std::async had not "already" solved the problem, they were released together, as far as is relevant for this question. The problem with std::thread was that it required the user to always join or detach the thread, detach was always wrong, and if the user forgot to join , the program would terminate.

There is a meaningful difference in how values are returned. std::async must implicitly allocate a shared location for the return value. That isn't always necessary: sometimes you don't need a value, or sometimes you know that the asynchronous operation will complete before the current function returns (so, a captured stack variable suffices).

There is a meaningful difference between std::future s returned from std::async and those constructed some other way. The ones returned from std::async block on destruction, which is not the typical behavior. This complicates both the implementation and the mental model of std::future .

There is a meaningful difference in how exceptions are handled. Exceptions are propagated back with std::async .

Therefore, the comments are spot on. std::async can easily be implemented with std::thread or std::jthread so it is at a higher level. But conversely, std::async makes implicit choices which are not always optimal.

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