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requestAnimationFrame loops with timestamps in PureScript

I am trying to pick up PureScript. Something I do a lot in JS is the following:

let start;
function step(timestamp) {
  if (start === undefined)
    start = timestamp;

  const elapsed = timestamp - start;



I've managed to get a loop going like this:

main :: Effect Unit
main = do
  w <- window
  step w

step :: Window -> Effect Unit
step w = do
  log "timestamp?!"
  requestAnimationFrame (step w) w $> unit

However, I don't know where to go from here, I'm not even sure how I could get step to take a timestamp parameter with requestAnimationFrame 's signature in PureScript:
Effect Unit -> Window -> Effect RequestAnimationFrameId

The library has requestAnimationFrame defined without a parameter for some reason, so no luck there (consider submitting a pull request to the library).

If I know more details about the ultimate purpose of doing that, I might recommend a better approach. Chances are, in PureScript you don't have to use requestAnimationFrame at all. PureScript has Aff for example, that might be better suited.

But without knowing the specifics, if I had to translate that JS code to PureScript as closely as possible, I would recommend defining your own FFI binding for requestAnimationFrame .

In your foreign module, MyModule.js :

export function requestAnimationFrame(f) {
  window.requestAnimationFrame(ts => f(ts)())

In your PureScript module, MyModule.purs :

foreign import requestAnimationFrame :: (Int -> Effect Unit) -> Effect Unit

And that's it. Now you can call your own version of requestAnimationFrame and pass it a function that takes a parameter:

step :: Window -> Int -> Effect Unit
step w ts = do
  log (show ts)
  requestAnimationFrame (step w)

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