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String Concatenation in Purescript

Playing with purescript and running into an odd problem with string concatenation. I've loaded and imported the Prelude , Data.List , Data.Maybe , and Data.String (also, tried importing Data.Array ) but the PSCi still doesn't recognize (++) . This would suggest that either, (++) is not contained in any of my imported modules (in which case a pointer to the appropriate module(s) to import would be appreciated), or there was some weird problem when I installed purescript and set my enviornment. I find the latter unlikely but hey I'll keep my considerations open.

Thanks in advance!

Newer versions of PureScript (since 0.9 I think) have abandoned ++ in favor of <> . That operator should work out of the box, since it is contained in purescript-prelude .

Thanks @gb. for the clarification. Edited the incorrect part of my answer.

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