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Updating a value of key in json-c object

I am trying to create a temporary database using json-c. For that i have created a simple function which return a json object with default value as key:{"value":data} pair and then i am trying to update value of existing signals in database.But here i am getting segmentation fault when i have tried to print database after value update. I have no idea what is wrong here.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <json-c/json.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

static int db_created =0;
struct json_object* create_db(){
       struct json_object* obj;
       struct json_object* val;

       obj = json_object_new_object();
       val = json_object_new_object();






       return obj;
void run(){
      struct json_object* db;
      struct json_object* val;
      struct json_object* temp;
      struct json_object *db2;

      val = json_object_new_object();
      if(db_created == 1){
            printf("database exist\n");
           db = create_db();
           printf("database = %s\n",json_object_to_json_string(db));
           db_created = 1;

      //Get a value for key1
      printf("value = %s\n",json_object_to_json_string(val));
      //update the value for key1

      //print database after updating key
      printf("database = %s\n",json_object_to_json_string(db));
int main(){
     return 0;

Could not reproduce the segmentation fault . Please provide more details, such as the compiler version, build command line, OS version, json-c version.

By the way, your database building has at least one problem: You reused the in the function. function 中的So the value of the previous key will always be overwritten by next writing. So your first database print will have output like this:

database = {
    "key1": {
        "val": 1005
    "key2": {
        "val": 1005
    "key3": {
        "val": 1005
    "key4": {
        "val": 1005
    "key5": {
        "val": 1005

The simple mitigation is creating a new object for each of your database item.

struct json_object *create_db() {
  struct json_object *obj;
  struct json_object *val;

  obj = json_object_new_object();

  val = json_object_new_object();
  json_object_object_add(val, "val", json_object_new_int(1001));
  json_object_object_add(obj, "key1", val);

  val = json_object_new_object();
  json_object_object_add(val, "val", json_object_new_int(1002));
  json_object_object_add(obj, "key2", val);

  val = json_object_new_object();
  json_object_object_add(val, "val", json_object_new_int(1003));
  json_object_object_add(obj, "key3", val);

  val = json_object_new_object();
  json_object_object_add(val, "val", json_object_new_int(1004));
  json_object_object_add(obj, "key4", val);

  val = json_object_new_object();
  json_object_object_add(val, "val", json_object_new_int(1005));
  json_object_object_add(obj, "key5", val);

  return obj;

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