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Query runs fine in SQL Developer but gives Error Msg = ORA-00905: missing keyword in JDBC

I am trying to run this SQL prepared statement from code.

from table1 ed, table2 e
where ed.id = e.id
  and e.status_cd = ?
  and ed.active_ind = 1
  and {in}
  and systimestamp < FROM_TZ(cast(ed.end_effective_dt_tm as TIMESTAMP), ?)
  and FROM_TZ(cast(? as TIMESTAMP), ?) between TIMESTAMP ? and TIMESTAMP ?

The JDBC code that reads this and executes against an Oracle database reads something like this:

int parameterIndex = 0;
          ++parameterIndex, doubleValue);
          ++parameterIndex, inClauseColumns.toArray(new InClauseColumn[inClauseColumns.size()]));
          ++parameterIndex, tz_Id); /* Setting time zone for casting ed.end_effective_dt_tm */
      stmt.setString(++parameterIndex, timeFilterColumn);
      stmt.setString(++parameterIndex, tz_Id); // timeFilter
          ++parameterIndex, new Timestamp(startTime), calculationTimeZone); // startTime
      stmt.setTimestamp(++parameterIndex, new Timestamp(endTime), calculationTimeZone); // endTime
      ResultSet rs = null;
      try {
        while (stmt.hasNext()) {
          rs = stmt.next();
   // do stuff

This gives the following error in JDBC:

Error Msg = ORA-00905: missing keyword

But the same query when run from SQL developer returns the expected rows from the database.

Example query ran from SQL developer:

from table1 ed, table2 e
where ed.id = e.id
  and e.status_cd = 854 /*Prameter 1*/
  and ed.active_ind = 1
  and ed.facility_cd in (1.7241194E7) /*in clause parameter 2 */
  systimestamp < FROM_TZ(cast(ed.end_effective_dt_tm as TIMESTAMP), 'America/Chicago' /*parameter 3 */)
  FROM_TZ(cast(e.updt_dt_tm /*parameter 4 */ as TIMESTAMP), 'America/Chicago') /*parameter 5 */
  TIMESTAMP '2021-06-30 02:23:20.0' /*parameter 6 */
  and TIMESTAMP '2021-11-10 18:09:24.774' /*parameter 7 */

Can someone please provide some suggestion on how to make this work with JDBC? I can't seem to figure out the issue here. Thanks.

Query problems:

  • incorrect in clause and {in} just ed.facility_cd in (? ) and setting parameter for each array element
  • in case setting specific java.sql.Timestamp type into JDBC statement you do not need to perform parameter cast in the query between TIMESTAMP? and TIMESTAMP? between TIMESTAMP? and TIMESTAMP? just between? and? between? and?

DB structure:

 active_ind NUMBER,
 end_effective_dt_tm TIMESTAMP,
 facility_cd FLOAT

 status_cd FLOAT,
 updt_dt_tm TIMESTAMP

Example of working JDBC statement:

    public Long execute(Connection connection) throws SQLException {
        long count = 0L;

        double doubleValue = 854D;
        Double[] inClauseValues = new Double[]{1.7241194E7, 1.7241194E8};
        String tz_Id = "America/Chicago";
        Timestamp startTime = Timestamp.valueOf("2021-06-30 02:23:20.0");
        Timestamp endTime = Timestamp.valueOf("2021-11-10 18:09:24.774");
        String timeFilterColumn = "e.updt_dt_tm";
        String inClauseColumn = "ed.facility_cd";

        String sqlQuery = " select COUNT(*) " +
                " from table1 ed, table2 e " +
                "  where ed.id = e.id " +
                "  and e.status_cd = ? " +
                "  and ed.active_ind = 1 " +
                "  and ? in ( " + Arrays.stream(inClauseValues).map(v -> "?").collect(Collectors.joining(", ")) + " ) " +
                "  and systimestamp < FROM_TZ(cast(ed.end_effective_dt_tm as TIMESTAMP), ? ) " +
                "  and FROM_TZ(cast( ? as TIMESTAMP), ? ) between ? and ? ";

        try (PreparedStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement(sqlQuery)) {
            int parameterIndex = 0;

            stmt.setDouble(++parameterIndex, doubleValue); // Setting e.status_cd
            stmt.setString(++parameterIndex, inClauseColumn); //Set dynamic column for in cluase
            for (Double value : inClauseValues) { //Setting ed.facility_cd in
                stmt.setDouble(++parameterIndex, value);
            stmt.setString(++parameterIndex, tz_Id); /* Setting time zone for casting ed.end_effective_dt_tm */
            stmt.setString(++parameterIndex, timeFilterColumn); //Setting timeFilterColumn e.updt_dt_tm
            stmt.setString(++parameterIndex, tz_Id); /* Setting time zone for casting e.updt_dt_tm  */
            stmt.setTimestamp(++parameterIndex, startTime); // startTime
            stmt.setTimestamp(++parameterIndex, endTime); // endTime

            try (ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery()) {
                while (rs.next()) {
                    count = rs.getLong(1);
        return count;

Another solution, you can prebuild query string with dynamic columns:

    public Long execute(Connection connection) throws SQLException {
        long count = 0L;

        double doubleValue = 854D;
        Double[] inClauseValues = new Double[]{1.7241194E7, 1.7241194E8};
        String tz_Id = "America/Chicago";
        Timestamp startTime = Timestamp.valueOf("2021-06-30 02:23:20.0");
        Timestamp endTime = Timestamp.valueOf("2021-11-10 18:09:24.774");
        String timeFilterColumn = "e.updt_dt_tm";
        String inClauseColumn = "ed.facility_cd";

        String sqlQuery = " select COUNT(*) " +
                " from table1 ed, table2 e " +
                "  where ed.id = e.id " +
                "  and e.status_cd = ? " +
                "  and ed.active_ind = 1 " +
                "  and " + inClauseColumn + " in ( " + Arrays.stream(inClauseValues).map(v -> "?").collect(Collectors.joining(", ")) + " ) " +
                "  and systimestamp < FROM_TZ(cast(ed.end_effective_dt_tm as TIMESTAMP), ? ) " +
                "  and FROM_TZ(cast( " + timeFilterColumn + " as TIMESTAMP), ? ) between ? and ? ";

        try (PreparedStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement(sqlQuery)) {
            int parameterIndex = 0;

            stmt.setDouble(++parameterIndex, doubleValue); // Setting e.status_cd
            for (Double value : inClauseValues) { //Setting ed.facility_cd in
                stmt.setDouble(++parameterIndex, value);
            stmt.setString(++parameterIndex, tz_Id); /* Setting time zone for casting ed.end_effective_dt_tm */
            stmt.setString(++parameterIndex, tz_Id); /* Setting time zone for casting e.updt_dt_tm  */
            stmt.setTimestamp(++parameterIndex, startTime); // startTime
            stmt.setTimestamp(++parameterIndex, endTime); // endTime

            try (ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery()) {
                while (rs.next()) {
                    count = rs.getLong(1);
        return count;

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