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how to access foreign table field in django view

I have two models, the plans model & plans features ( foreign relation with plans table), given below: 模型.py

Following is the view which returns an object of features for each plan: 视图.py

Now I want to access, the "price" field of the plans table (model). How this is possible? my Django template is the following which doesn't work: 模板代码

I belive there is solution to this, I would love hear from you. thank you

First of all, when you use filter returns a queryset, not a single object so you can not direct access the foreign key with dot


  1. Use .get()
  2. Use .filter().first()

You can choose from above two.

Assuming you have unique entries for basic, standard and professional packages

<ul class="deal-item">
{% basic.plan.price %}
<ul class="deal-item">
{% standard.plan.price %}
<ul class="deal-item">
{% professiona.plan.price %}

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