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How to fix dynamic sql query syntax error that shown in below in synapse?

IF OBJECT_ID('temp..#temp') IS NOT NULL
    DROP TABLE #temp

    [CxID] int,
    [CompanyID] int,
    [Category] int -- this category column is created by ROW_NUMBER function over partition by [CxID] order by [CxID] and [CompanyID]

INSERT INTO #temp ([CxID], [CompanyID], [Number]) VALUES ('1', '101', '1');
INSERT INTO #temp ([CxID], [CompanyID], [Number]) VALUES ('1', '102', '2');
INSERT INTO #temp ([CxID], [CompanyID], [Number]) VALUES ('1', '103', '3');
INSERT INTO #temp ([CxID], [CompanyID], [Number]) VALUES ('2', '201', '1');
INSERT INTO #temp ([CxID], [CompanyID], [Number]) VALUES ('3', '301', '1');
INSERT INTO #temp ([CxID], [CompanyID], [Number]) VALUES ('4', '401', '1');
INSERT INTO #temp ([CxID], [CompanyID], [Number]) VALUES ('5', '501', '1');
INSERT INTO #temp ([CxID], [CompanyID], [Number]) VALUES ('5', '502', '2');
INSERT INTO #temp ([CxID], [CompanyID], [Number]) VALUES ('5', '503', '3');
INSERT INTO #temp ([CxID], [CompanyID], [Number]) VALUES ('5', '504', '4');
    @query  AS NVARCHAR(MAX);

SET @cols = (SELECT STRING_AGG(category,',') FROM (SELECT DISTINCT category FROM #temp WHERE category IS NOT NULL)t);

set @query = 'SELECT date, ' + @cols + ' from 
                select CxID
                    , CompanyID
                    , category
                from #temp
           ) x
                for category in (' + @cols + ')
            ) p ';


Error Message: Parse error at line: 11, column: 34: Incorrect syntax near '1'.

Question: We don't know the maximum number of CompanyID that customer can have in the historical data, and want to output like following:

CxID CompanyID1 CompanyID2 CompanyID3 ... CompanyIDx
1 101 102 103 ... (NULL)
2 201 (NULL) (NULL) ... (NULL)
3 301 (NULL) (NULL) ... (NULL)
4 401 (NULL) (NULL) ... (NULL)
5 501 502 503 ... ...

I think you should try to avoid numbers as columns because pivot is bad with them.

But if you want then you have to change sql so it becomes like this:

SELECT [1],[2],[3],[4] from 

instead of

SELECT 1,2,3,4 from 

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