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Need to convert XML file to CSV file using XQUERY

I have a xml file.PFB the content:

<?xml version="1.0"?><Price-Data-Description xmlns:xsi="http://www.ybd3.org/2021/XMLSchema-instance">

<item id="Data_200_PRICE">
<item id="Data_100_PRICE">

I need it to get converted into csv file. PFB the content:


I have written an XQYERY, but the result is running empty. The XQYERY is validating and showing no error. PFB the XQUERY:

    { for $i in $input.fileEvent[1]/content//*:item

Its getting validated well with no errors and its generating a csv file 0 kb.

I am unsure of the Informatica implementation above, However, the simple example below is a generic translation script that works with your XML. Perhaps it can be used to help validate your approach.

It works from an XML fragment. If you are dealing with a document, then the xpath might be /Price-Data-Description/item rather than /item

(: farm the column names from the first record
   - assumes that the first record has all possible elements
let $cols := for $node in $xml/item[1]/node()
  return fn:local-name($node)

(: make individual CSV style lines.
   Simple code does not take into account quoting or escaping
let $rows := for $row in $xml/item
  return fn:string-join(
      for $col in $cols
        return fn:data($row/node()[fn:local-name(.) = $col])
    , ",")

(:make a header line:)
let $header := fn:string-join($cols, ",")

(:join them together with line-breaks:)
return fn:string-join(($header, $rows), "&#10;")



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